Topics of Interest in Public Relations and Communications, everyday life and me. A final year PR and Comms student currently writing my dissertation while working for Remarkable PR Agency, it's fantastic!

Enthusiastic | Passionate |Driven | Love Life!

It's time to get my BLOG ON!


Sunday, 6 March 2011

Blog Neglect

The Importance of Blogging hmmm...

 I have to be honest before starting my blog I was dubious along with the majority of my cohort as to whether there really was a point to me blogging at all. Who in the world would be interested in what I have to say?
Most people, I feel either go online daily to talk 'rubbish' e.g. on Facebook (which I definitely do) or to catch up on news (VERY brief overhaul!). For me, I feel I’m good at talking the 'rubbish' but felt I needed to be talking about important, relevant, PR news worthy things which I have been trying to do. What makes an interesting read though? Surely it depends on the person...

Until now my blog had come to a standstill since... January which is shockingly bad I know! But I have had so much work on it has kind of taken the back burner. It acts as a platform for me to be able to get recognition; it speaks volumes about my personality, what I’m interested in and what I value as important. I feel myself (despite the lack of posts lately) finding blog worthy topic everywhere I look. I have a word document saved on my desktop full of juicy topics I should have touched on, that have come and gone! So, here is my, all-be-it late New Year’s resolution - I need to keep up blogging.

What do you think the values of Blogging are?  Can they help graduates secure careers? I'm back, no more neglect in the hopes they can! (until my dissertation takes over my life!)

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