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Thursday 4 November 2010

Abortion - Right or Wrong?

Should Abortion be illegalised?
I was told today that 512 women in the UK have abortions everyday! I couldn’t believe it! Never in a million years did I think it was THAT many!
Some people think that abortion is always wrong. Some think that abortion is right when the mother's life is at risk. Others think that there is a range of circumstances in which abortion is morally acceptable.

I personally believe that is such a difficult subject to hold one opinion or view on. Different circumstances affect any decision I believe that I could possibly make, and I cannot say honestly I know what I would do unless in the situation. I don’t know what I would do if I fell pregnant now, probably keep it as I feel as though I’m in a position in which I would be able to keep it. My parents would support me; I have a loving partner and a roof over my head. I’m hard working and so is my boyfriend, but if you had asked me 2 or 3 years ago I have no idea at all what I would do!

Something else to think about is up to how many weeks do you think a baby should be aborted to? It currently stands at 24weeks and at that length of time, the baby could survive, just look at this picture of a premature baby that could have been aborted:

Different people in different circumstances have to make very tricky decisions based on different personal experiences and reasons. Surely we should respect that?

The ongoing debate as to whether abortion is right or wrong is never going to reach a definative answer, everyone will always have altering views due to their own life experiences. Who are we to say categorically whether it is right or wrong? I know for a fact that some people will say they think its right for one person and not for another; surely it is down to the mother.

Having said that, what I think is that people’s attitudes to abortion especially in the UK NEED to change! No way should abortion be made illegal in my opinion! Given you had been raped – wouldn’t you like to have the opportunity to abort it without being prosecuted!?!

Is abortion ethical, what do you think?

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